Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Says The Good Stuff Still Isn't Hid Away Somewhere?

Some dealers have the attitude that all the good stuff is long gone from attics and basements, but I beg to differ.  There still are those diamonds in the rough so speak you just have to be willing to go looking for them.  Just a few weeks ago I went to do work for my grandma and low and behold guess what I found...in her basement was a Roseville jardinere flower pot dating back to 1917.  She had bought it at an auction or garage sale years ago because it had roses on it and she thought it was pretty. She had not idea of its value and when I told her it was Roseville she gave a slightly blank look.  She said she had heard of Roseville but wasn't sure what Roseville was.  So see there...even your grandma may have a treasure that you know nothing about.  So next time you're at grandma's house see if she will let you look around for a bit where you don't usually look.  You may just find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  I explained to grandma what it was and it is now available for sale on my website.  Grandma had no need for it once she learned it had value...she'd much rather have the money as her and grandpa are getting up in years and material things just don't matter to them much anymore.  So, if you would like a 1917 Rozane Line Roseville Flower Pot with Roses, check out my website at http://www.memoriesgeneralstore.com/ and we can ship it out to you asap.  So see there...there are still good items hid away here and there...you just have to be willing to get a lil dirty and dig thru all that junk that no one else would dare touch!!! Happy Hunting and HAPPY THANKSGIVING if I don't blog again before turkey day!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

RIP to the Cookie Jar

     Well I am beginning to wonder if we all should just gather up all of our cookie jars, bury them in the ground...place a nice monument above them with the inscription, "RIP - Mr. Cookie Jar - You Once Were Worth More than the Dirt You're Now In".

     When I first got in this business, I was about 15 years old...it was 1996.  I had no idea what I was doing but I was a fast learner.  I learned quick that cookie jars were a hot item to have especially if it was made by Nelson McCoy, Hull or Shawnee or one of the other big name manufacturers. I can remember seeing cookie jars go for hundreds and some rare ones even up to the thousands of dollars.  NOT ANYMORE!!!

     Back then, Roger Jensen had found out that McCoy never trademarked their mark so not only did you have the original items selling and selling high, you also had his cookie jars making their way into the market.  Along with him and his partner, Larry Martin, they dominated the market for years with Antique Reproductions cookie jars.  I can remember a dealer in South Carolina selling Jensen's cookie jars back then for as high at $800 to $1,000 each.  Now I don't want you to go to thinking that an antique reproduction is normally worth that much money because THEY'RE NOT.  This dealer never disclosed whether it was new or old and because of that I am guessing buyers assumed they were old ones and possible non-production pieces.  But nonetheless, they sold and sold high.

     Jensen no longer manufactures as he once did.  Matter of fact, one dealer that used to buy from him has not bought from him in close to a year.  I've not had the opportunity to buy any of his wares in going on 3 or 4 years now.  Every now and then you may see one of Jensen's jars on Ebay as if you know what to look for his jars can be distinguished from other manufacturers just because of the style of the eyes and designs that Jensen made. 

     Several years ago a dealer in Georgia obtained the rights to legally manufacture trademarked and licensed "McCoy" and "Shawnee" pottery.  These are brand new items and have no association with the owners of Nelson McCoy Pottery or the Shawnee factory, but there are reproductions of antique Shawnee and Nelson McCoy items plus new designs that are marked McCoy and Shawnee.  They are beautiful jars, however, they are not selling anywhere near what one would expect a cookie jar to fetch.

      Considering that 14 years ago a Black Mammy Cookie Jar would bring a minimum of $150 to $300, it is so disappointing to see what cookie jars are doing now.  They seem to be dead in the water for the moment.  I've seen original Mammy cookie jars sell on Ebay for as little as $50 and the new Licensed McCoy Mammy Cookie Jars are selling consistently for about $40 to $60 each.  That is what really puzzles me...a reproduction item bringing more money than an old original...BUT IT HAPPENS!!!

     Now to today...I was watching an online live auction stream from Chattanooga, TN.  Up for bid was a "McCoy" Leprechaun cookie jar.  The original sells for $3,000 to $5,000 and only 3 or 4 are known to exist.  Now knowing from experience, this was one of Larry Martin's reproduction jars because of the way it was painted.  I've seen so many in my experiences that I know how to recognize who has made what.  Now I thought even with it being a newer jar it would bring at least $75 to $100 just because that was always one of my best sellers...but do you know what it brought???  TWENTY DOLLARS!!! Only $20 for a nice reproduction cookie jar.  That is less than today's wholesale prices for dealers on the new cookie jars that are available.

     So....RIP TO THE COOKIE JAR....I'm about ready to dig a big whole and bury mine...who knows a 100 years from now when I'm dead and gone someone may dig them back up and them be priceless...RIP COOKIE JAR...You once were dealers biggest moneymakers!!!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Chinese Vase: $83 Million Chinese vase sold at auction - chicagotribune.com

Chinese Vase: $83 Million Chinese vase sold at auction - chicagotribune.com

Recession? Whaaaatttttttttttttttttt Recession???? $83 MILLIONNNNNNNNNN Dollars??? Are YOU Serious!!!!
Wow!!! Now wouldn't you like to find one of these in your attic or at a garage sale. My luck if I did find
one I would think it was a reproduction or new import of some kind and more than likely would sell online
for $83 instead of $83 Million Dollars!!!

Just recently I bought a small rough glazed pottery pitcher at a yard sale (paid $26 for the whole trunkload)
but I knew this little pitcher was a pretty nice piece. I sold it for $59.95 but after shipping it realized it was
an unsigned Meaders family pottery piece from down in Georgia. Another pitcher similar to it was in
an Atlanta antique shop listing online for well over $300. Sooooo I didn't do bad considering how cheap
I got it butttttttttt...had I know I could have easily got at least $150 out of it. OH Wellllllllll...my customer
got a great deal and said his wife loved it so I guess I'll just have to get out...beat the bushes and find
another one!!! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and even funnier...I bought a whole truckload of books for $30
and was so very worried after I got home cause old books aren't worth what I thought they were...and
are a lot more common than you would think. Anyways...two solid silver forks were in one of those boxes
of books...I sold the pair of forks online for over $75...Just for two forks!!! Over $75....Recession????

And Scrap Gold???? Now that is something to talk about tomorrow!!! LOL. All I can say is WOW!!!


Where did the simple life go?

Ok well I'm a part of an unique generation.  I'm 29 so in my lifetime I've seen some pretty wild things happen.  During my lifetime I've seen internet come to just about every household in America.  I've seen people go from having to go to the store to shop to now just shopping online and having it delivered.  I've even seen USPS mail now being replaced by online bill pay services.  It is amazing what all has happened just in the last 10 or 15 years...but WHERE DID THE SIMPLE LIFE GO??? All these new "time-savers" are supposed to save us time, right????  I find myself at the the computer more hours than I should be and not getting done all I need to get done.  So, does all this technology really make life more simple or just more frustrating?  I mean really...used to "the net" was something you dip your fish out of the pond with if they were too big and heavy...and a download and upload...what is that?  Html? Say What?  Since I've built this website I've really ran into some challenges.  Yes, Vendio is great and SIMPLE but still having to read directions step by step to do the small things that you've never had to do before...it can be mind boggling.  Just trying to add my Adsense to my website last night was a puzzle and then when I did add it I couldn't get it to work.  My ads are working here on my blog though so that is good but to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing and if anyone is reading this I'm going to be really surprised!!!  Maybe things weren't simpler when I was younger, maybe it was just because I was younger that it seemed simpler...I don't know.  But seems like the older I get the more challenging everything becomes especially with all this Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Website Building...it all has times of I can do what and how do I do that moments.  Hopefully, I'll get the hang of everything soon and be on the right track.  And hopefully orders will start pouring into my website.  It is almost Christmas time so it is the time when every shop shop shops...right??? I did get my 4th order yesterday and was so very proud.  It was only a $9.95 order but STILL...IT WAS AN ORDER and I was so very thankful.  I guess for a new website that is pretty doggone good...4 orders since building it on Oct. 15th.  Life may not be more simple now but at least I can work from home (my brick & mortar store is right next door) and still make a living...I guess that counts for something and worth the headache of all this new technology! Sooooooooooo...now I'm gonna get off of here for today and get some work done.  I wish there was a simple way to wash that mountain of dishes in the kitchen...2010 and I DO NOT HAVE A DISHWASHER!!!  If you haven't already be sure to check out my website at http://www.memoriesgeneralstore.com/ .  Thanks & God Bless!!!

MGS, owner

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My First Blog! WOW!!!

Well this is my first time to ever blog.  I am looking for ways to get my online business up and running better that it has ever ran before so this is a way for me to hopefully reach new potential shoppers and to make new friends also.  I just built my website on October 15th and already have got orders.  Page views are running 30 to 40 per day and I am very happy with my progress.  This blog will mostly be about what is going on with my business and what is going on in general with the antiques and collectibles market.  I love antiques!!! I got started in this business when I was 15 years old and I just turned 29 so 14 years of this and you must love it!!! My new website is http://www.memoriesgeneralstore.com/ and I hope all of you will check it.  Thanks to Vendio for hosting my site FREE OF CHARGE. They have some of the best customer service I have ever seen and their site builder is so user friendly that I couldn't believe it when I got started.  I have it set up so buyers can pay with any major credit card using PayPal or they can submit their order to me and then send a check or money order thru the mail. It has been such a blessing to be able to get this up and running and it go so smoothly. Google also has been a huge help to me. I have all my listings in the Google Products and that is helping me with my traffic flow.  Well over 50% of my website visits come thru the Google Products search...so THANK YOU Google. Well that's all for now...I am going to try to post a blog everyday but not sure that time will allow...but until then...I'M OUTTA HERE!!! Come Back Now and Read Some More!!! 

Thanks Ya'll!!!
Cody from MGS